I came back yesterday from a delightfully restful weekend away up at the north coast (which included a trip to see The Dark Knight -oooh!). But the cherry on top of the cake was spotting a book fair on the way home.
I can't quite describe how much I love a good book fair.
Some people like adventures sports, but my adrenaline fix comes from the thrill of chasing down second-hand books in church halls, market stands and op shops. I get my competitive on.
Admittedly I didn't have much of a game plan this time - I just ran in and scoped out the fiction, children's books and reference section. I have written elsewhere about my
love of atlases, but I refrained as I simply have enough at the moment. (And somewhat embarrassingly, I already had the various editions they had left!)
Lucky for me, all the books were half-price, so for the bargain price of $17.50, I bought seven novels (7! In near-perfect condition!), and these absolute keepers.
First up, and in honour of my soon-to-be-completed PhD in English, Dick Bruna's "I can read difficult words."

Because, you know, I can!
Happily, "scissors" and "choir" are off my difficult word list, and have been replaced with bigger and well, more difficult words. But this little book will inspire some much-needed motivation over the coming weeks.
And the best buy of all. A 1962 Estonian music book entitled 'Muusika Aabits'.

The cover to this little beauty caught my eye first - it looks like it's screen-printed. And is that a Communist star on her pinafore? I'd like to frame the cover by itself. Inside, the book is filled with screen-printed images of young boys and girls, animals, and piano playing - all in black, white, blue and red.

It seems a bit sacrilegious to cut this one up, but I am already salivating over the thought of making some greeting cards out of these images.
Such a good weekend! How was yours?