Some time ago I made a
list of all my favourite podcasts, and I thought it was high time for an update. I am a bit addicted to podcasts - I listen to them in the car and on my morning walks and think they're the best form of multitasking ever.
A few new favourites to mention upfront. After only finding it a week ago, I am a HUGE fan of the
Slate Culture Gabfest. It's a roundtable with the biggest Slate critics, and I already think of them as my friends. Seriously, I have found myself thinking about what they would think of certain things, which is probably just weird. (The
Slate Political Gabfest is also excellent, too, and the
Audio Book Club and
Spoiler Special).
BBC Documentaries is a great resource (the accents get me every time) - a really varied list of different topics and strangely I always enjoy them. Essentially (and not surprisingly) an audio documentary.
ABC Counterpoint - only when I'm feeling perverse! It's the most right-wing Radio National show, and sometimes I like to listen to it and get enraged. I'm sure you'll hate it, but sometimes I like to listen to stuff I disagree with so I don't become too insular.
KCRW's Bookworm - I mentioned this one last time, but it's worth another mention, as it's just too good. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! Tell me you don't want to marry Michael Silverblatt when you listen to his dulcet tones. And the horrendous theme music! It's sensational. Be sure to download the
David Foster Wallace tribute.
NPR All Songs Considered Live - amazing live concerts. The
Radiohead and the
Antony and the Johnsons ones are especially superb.
TED Talks Audio - incredibly interesting and diverse talks by extremely cool people.
That's all for now, but please leave any you like in the comment section, and I'll keep updating.