Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Every Day in May

Well, I might have lost my mind, but I've decided to join up to Every Day in May - an event where you vow to create something for 31 days straight. Actually, the event is about doing a painting every day, but seeing that I can't paint, I am going to do something crafty or writer-ly* each day.

So I'll be normally posting, but adding a few little crafty endeavours along the way - good motivation, I hope!

*Not my PhD, which, as it happens, I have to do each day anyway!


  1. Cool, I can't wait to see what you make/write!

    Also cool to draw the line and get creative BEYOND the PhD! Hurrah hurrah!

  2. Thanks Mouse! I'm both really excited and intimidated about it. But it's worth a shot, right?! Thanks for your support :)

  3. Woo-hoo! Good luck chickpea. It's definitely worth a shot. Plus, creative communitites are, from what I have seen with Ben's music, very supportive. Go for it!


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