Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Regina Spektor: Laughing With
This Regina Spektor video clip is breathtaking! I love the allusions to Escher and Dali and so many more. And her voice is just incredible.
(I've pre-posted this: Happy New Year's from Oman and I hope to be checking in soon!)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Exciting News: Man, Oman!

In a pretty last-minute trip, I am off today to Oman! In spectacular luck, I have been invited there for work, and I can't WAIT!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
New Furniture

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sarah Blasko: No Turning Back
Last week I was offered a pretty dream job, with the understanding that it would have an immediate start. I ended up turning it down, as I really need to finish my PhD, but I've wondered ever since whether I made a big mistake.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Time Out Posters

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Christmas Stockings

Which I think is pretty exciting.
Taking Naomi's Green Christmas to heart once more, I made Christmas stockings for us both from remnants and scraps I had already, and the result is a pair of muted, felted stockings which I think are kind of fun.

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Study Love
My penchant for little drawers full of trinkets, non-ugly filing cabinets and long white bench desks is made pretty clear. (And surely the KA on the wall is a direct cry out to me?)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Recording Devices
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Christmas Decorations

I love it. And The Pal loves it, too.
There are lots of alternative Christmas trees around this year: have a look here for some more ideas.

Monday, December 14, 2009
Sneak Peek: Japanese Inspired Quilt

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Singer Sewing Table Restoration: Part VI

I'm pretty thrilled with how it all turned out. There are faint twinges of green in parts, but I'm hoping that adds to its history. I'm really happy with how new and shiny the base looks - my dear Mum painted it so beautifully (thanks Mum!)
All that's left to do is to polish it with some beeswax: it positively drunk up all the orange oil I rubbed in yesterday, so I think it's time for a new approach.

For a reminder on how it looked before, have a look here. Yikes!
Thanks for your lovely, encouraging comments along the way - it's been so much fun to share this on the blog!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Charley Harper Books: ABCs and 123s.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Foxy Goodness

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A Story of Heartbreaking Sadness and Sudden, Seemingly Inexplicable Joy.
Last night our external hard drive died.
Months ago, the Pal had very proudly hooked up a whole terabyte of movies and TV shows to a screen in our lounge room, and we relished in our (ahem, mainly his) cleverness. It’s like a TV! We cried. Only better and with nothing we don’t want to watch! It was a golden age of 30 Rock, The Wire, The West Wing (it will never be old to us) and so many more shows and films. I'm talking a TERABYTE of them.
But as I said, last night it died. For the last few months, it had been uttering strangled, gurgling sounds, which, as it turns out, is what the death rattles of a hard drive sound like. The Pal and I chose to ignore these sounds. Fearing a meltdown or a pricey replacement, we chose to tell ourselves that it had “always sounded like that” and that “it still works” so there was nothing to worry about. But there was something to worry about, as suddenly the drive said “corrupt” and that’s just how the Pal and I felt. In a moral sense, you understand.
Late last night, I came to terms with this loss. It is a first world problem, I thought. I can buy the DVDs again and rip them again. Worse things (but obviously not by much) have happened in the world.
Flash forward to this morning, when an over-eager electrician who was fixing our washing machine turned off the mains power. I wasn’t quick enough to turn off my computer in time, and sat, a little twitchy, waiting to turn my mac back on to see what I had lost.
In what can only be described in religious resurrection terms, I found all of my shit. All of it. The hard drive came whirring back and minutes later, in a Holy Grail kind of moment, I sat scrolling through all my long lost (ok, short lost) favourites. As I write, I am transferring all my precious files to another safe place, with a renewed sense of optimism and amazement at technology and its foibles.
We’ll probably need another hard drive, and we’ll probably lose some data, but isn’t it nice when you have little moments which burst through cloudy days with beams of sunny, sunny light?
The End.
Feist: 1, 2, 3, 4
via Lily and The Muse
I can't stop watching this. Makes me want to jump up and dance every time I watch!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Singer Sewing Table Restoration: Part V

Next week? The final installment!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Perfect Mailbox

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Katharina Trudzinski

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Vintage Dutch Picture Book Covers