Peacay has done it again with these lovely antique bookplates. These are exquisitely rendered (and personally commissioned, one would think) to grace the libraries of the very wealthy.

This hat is priceless! If I were any good on the old photoshop, I would no doubt raid some flickr galleries of old bookplates and re-invent my own. So very pretty.

Do you stamp your own books?
Mouse purchased a lovely book stamp a while ago and I also quite like
this one, but can't (yet) actually deface my books with one. Because what if I changed my phone number? Would you stamp your email, instead? Gah! And what if I wanted to give the book away?

Let's be honest: I am actually not a lender of books. I am so ridiculously careful with how I look after mine that I get a bit antsy at the thought that someone else might not take good care of my little ones. So therefore bookplates or stamps are sort of a moot point, aren't they?! However, my favourite bookplates are on etsy (unsurprisingly!) at
Oiseaux. They are so pretty and would make perfect presents.