Tuesday, June 29, 2010

To Dry For Tea Towels

No, that wasn't my pun - it's from a delightful English tea towel company. In fact, I went to their website and promptly fell down an internet hole. I've emerged, but only after wondering what percentage of one's salary one should spend on tea towels. Holy moley.

All images


  1. Oh they're gorgeous! I really wish you'd stop featuring such fab things, I spend ages looking through them while my boys are napping when I should really be ironing ;-) I found some lovely vintage tea towels in Vinnie's a few weeks ago, yay!

  2. Damn! I'd almost forgotten about them. And now I went to check them out and they have more black and white tea towels!

    I'll blame you if I have no dishes to dry because I spent all my grocery money on tea towels to add to my black and white tea towel collection...

  3. Wow! Looks fantastic. Just off to explore :) Kx

    p.s. How are you going with your new job Kate? Hope all is well :)


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