Thursday, April 22, 2010

Iceland's Eyjafjallajokul

Iceland's Eyjafjallajokul (let's be honest, that's not a real name...) has, despite all of the airplane chaos and Armageddon-ing, produced some extraordinary images. Thought you might enjoy these. (Oh, and that's a plane in the picture above. Yah.)

All images via the lovely
Alice, who is ON THE Slate Culture Gabfest this week! Check her out!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Map Splashback

Isn't this splashback just amazing? I love it. And want it. In equal parts!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Street Signs

These guerilla street signs are just wonderful, aren't they? They're put up all around London - I would be SO excited if I were to find one!

All images via here.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sseko Sandals

Have you seen these amazing sandals? The best thing about them (apart from how cute they are, and that you can change the straps easily) is that they support women in Uganda who make them to go to university. How cool is that? I'm excited for next summer, and look forward to adorning my tootsies with a pair of these.

All images

Sunday, April 18, 2010


When I was in Lorne last weekend, I found this incredible basket which turns into a BLANKET! I am still getting over it, to be honest. Picnic basket, craft organiser, baby things - the list of uses could be endless, really. I didn't end up buying it, but I have been thinking of it for a while.

'Akanbe' or あかんべ is actually a Japanese facial gesture, where you pull one eye down while you stick out your tongue, so this little bag is even cuter.
All images

Thursday, April 15, 2010

J Crew Swoon

Well if I could look like these lovely ladies this autumn, it would be pretty exciting. I'm not exactly sure how I'd make it all work (or how I would possibly afford 40 new pieces for my wardrobe!) but gee, it's nice to dream!

Images via here.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kimono Fabric

For Easter, my Mum bought me these beautiful vintage kimono scraps from a shop she discovered in Leura. I am completely smitten with them (you can't see the gold very well, but they truly shimmer).

Very unsure what to do with them yet, but excited to play around and come up with ideas!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Cushions II

Inspired by my last attempt, I finished off my last cushion re-coverings. Many thanks to my lovely friend A, who worked out how to attach zipper heads to continuous zippers - not as easy as it sounds!!
The bunting fabric is from Ikea - and also happened to be on sale, so each pillow (two small ones for the spare bed, and one larger one for the lounge) was very reasonably priced.
These two long pillows are the ones of which I'm most proud. I've been in love with the Florence Broadhurst fabric with black and white horses for such a long time (recently re-inspired here), but at $143/metre, I knew that wasn't an option for me at the moment. But on the website, you can buy an A4 sample of the fabric for $7 each... So I bought the horse stampede sample and the green sample above, and am enjoying have some Florence Broadhurst in my life! (Is it just me, or is it even nicer when you know it was inexpensive?!)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lorne Times

We had a great weekend down in Lorne - what a special place! Wonderful company, amazing food, perfect wanderings and fours-seasons-in-one-day weather. Spectacular!
Happily, I found this beautiful mural by Ghost Patrol (eee!) and lots of cool ninja stencils everywhere - impressive, my Lorne friends!

The first panorama by The Pal and the rest by me.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Came across these most excellent images of extreme weather which are just breathtaking. What's the weather like where you are?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pillow Love #4

Aren't these pillows fantastic? I love the long, people shaped ones above. Actually, I love them all.

Thanks for all your lovely comments. It's taken me a bit to rejig and get back into life again - I am doing lots of part-time teaching, so in some ways, life feels much the same, but the adrenaline is starting to leave!

I'm off to Melbourne tomorrow for the weekend to catch up with some lovely friends - see you Monday!
All images via the ever fabulous Bloesem.