Internet, a confession. Sometimes wedding planning makes you a little bit crazy.
I can't wait to be married, but I also can't wait for the admin to be over! Run sheets, late rsvps, additional rsvps (Oh! My partner and I would love to come! Hmm, didn't invite partner...), additional invite requests, menu changes, general complaints/suggests for changes all contributed to me having hilarious wedding dreams. Like the one where I was walking down the aisle with my laptop, because I hadn't had time to edit our vows. Quelle romance. Or the one where every woman at the wedding was wearing a wedding dress. That was a doozy.
So this was the best image to describe my mental state for the day. Oh yeah. And I admit I giggled at it for quite a while. Enjoy!
(Normal transmission to resume soon! Promise!)
(Note to all friends who are reading this: I am actually fine, but looking forward to being excited once all the boring leg work has been done.)