I have a confession to make. It might upset you quilting purists, or even people who like angora rugs. I was given two magnificent rugs for my 21st birthday (now some years ago!). I love them: they are the perfect weight and warmth and for years I've snuggled with them. But I've never been able to cuddle them without being covered in tremendous amounts of fluff. I mean fluff like you've never BELIEVED. If I happened to be wearing black, I looked like a
lamington post- cuddle. So I decided to do something rash and quilt one, just to see if it worked. That way, I figured, the blanket would be more useable, and I would still love its weight and warmth without the fear of the fluff.

Here are some in-progress pictures. I used Tula Pink's
Hush a Bye range for Moda and the backing is from the same range. I'm really thrilled with how it's turned out, and am really happy it'll be all ready for when winter arrives.

And finally, the finished product, bound and ready to go!

I know the pictures of quilts of this chair must be getting old. But it's hard to take pictures by yourself in good light, and here just seems to work!