It's times like these that the Pal is lucky we are renting. Otherwise I would feel compelled to paper the whole house with robots. I am almost entirely serious... Thanks to my sister Em for the tip.
Breathtakingly beautiful mobile from the ever-excellent Mr Kitly. Don't worry: it's sold out, so no danger of buying. Just so pretty to look at. Happy Monday!
I've been in a bit of a stripey towel phase. I don't know where it happened or when it'll end, but I can't stop bookmarking them! Hoping posting them here will help alleviate the longing.
This is such a brilliant idea - I have a very precarious pile of magazines at home that threatens to fall over and this could be an excellent solution.
Well this photograph makes everything in the world seem, just, better. It should go without saying that I love all the books, but look at the wooden ceiling! Beautiful.
I've been meaning to post some of my stationery finds from Seoul - here's a lovely hot air balloon that I bought at Artbox in MyeongDong. A stationery paradise. And yes, that's my fingertip at the bottom.
I know I've posted something similar to this before - still drawn to little boxes, drawers and compartments and a house-shaped one is delicious. Enjoy!
This must be the longest I've ever spent doing one quilt. I seem to manage about a half hour every weekend, which is bad, and working the hours I have been, there's no time at night. But, progress continues, albeit slowly!