Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Stockings

This Christmas is the first that the Pal and I have lived together. We have spent previous Christmases in together in Australia and all over the world (two in France and one in Vietnam), but never have we woken up in the same apartment THAT WE LIVE IN on Christmas morning.

Which I think is pretty exciting.

Taking Naomi's Green Christmas to heart once more, I made Christmas stockings for us both from remnants and scraps I had already, and the result is a pair of muted, felted stockings which I think are kind of fun.


  1. so sweet! you've inspired me to do a xmas stocking post of my own. have an awesome romantic xmas in your own place :)

  2. Thanks captain kk! Merry Chrissy to you and yours, too!

  3. First the button tree, now these delightful stockings - it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! xx

  4. These are toe curlingly cute- love them. So nice to have something for just the two of you- (we've got ornaments... every year (since our very first year together) I give him a pair of ornaments for Christmas and a little card. Now every year when we decorate our tree, it's a little trip down memory lane too! awhh... Thinking of you lots xxxx tor


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